Unlocking data
accessibility to boost
deep renovation in
Europe’s building

The ReLIFE project aims to enhance data accessibility within the EU building sector by providing ready-to-use data and resources for financial institutions and other stakeholders by delivering an open-source, user-friendly platform that serves as a comprehensive repository and knowledge hub offering economic, financial, forecasting, and technical information on the EU building stock to foster cross-sharing of data among stakeholders including banks, energy service companies (ESCOs), and building owners thereby reducing information asymmetry with the ultimate goal of scaling deep renovation rates within the EU building stock focusing on the residential sector to pave the way for a more sustainable and efficient future.

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Join the 1st Workshop of the ReLIFE Project We are excited to invite you to the 1st Workshop of the ReLIFE Project, focusing on the transformation of stakeholder needs into actionable...

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Co-Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.

Project Coordinator
Simon Pezzutto

Communication coordinator
Carmela Navarro